The first corporate registration of B.A. van Doorn dates from 1831. Mr B.A. van Doorn 'with an office at the side of the Royal Palace on the Dam square' practiced the profession of pharmacy. After that, B.A. van Doorn moves to deal with investments on the Amsterdam stock exchange. It was not long before friends and acquaintances joined the successful entrepreneur whom they also consulted for other trust matters. After his death, the company was managed by the descendants of B.A. of Thorn.
In 1986, the firm's banking business was sold to Credit Suisse First Boston. Due to the stricter regulations and the desire to develop B.A. van Doorn into a professional asset management company, Mr. van Doorn (4th generation) also sold the brokerage activities in 1999, after which the company concentrated on its original specialty, private asset management.
The company has experienced strong growth since 2004. Due to its independent approach, a sound investment policy and low costs, B.A. van Doorn has developed into one of the most important independent asset managers in the Netherlands. The company is owned by the management and the Van Doorn family.